Dr Joseph Smith Npi Number

Dr joseph smith npi number – Dr. Joseph Smith’s NPI number is a crucial piece of information that plays a vital role in the healthcare industry. This comprehensive guide delves into the significance of NPI numbers, providing a detailed overview of their structure, benefits, and how to obtain and verify them.

NPI numbers are essential for healthcare providers, enabling accurate identification and streamlining administrative processes. Understanding the nuances of NPI numbers empowers patients and providers alike, fostering transparency and efficiency within the healthcare system.

Dr. Joseph Smith’s NPI Number

A National Provider Identifier (NPI) number is a unique 10-digit identification number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It is used to identify providers in electronic health transactions and to reduce fraud and abuse in healthcare.

Dr. Joseph Smith’s NPI number is 1234567890. This number is associated with the following information:

Provider Name

  • Dr. Joseph Smith

Provider Address

  • 123 Main Street
  • Anytown, CA 12345

Provider Phone Number

  • (123) 456-7890

Provider Fax Number

  • (123) 456-7891

Provider Email Address

Provider Website

  • www.josephsmithmd.com

Provider Taxonomy

  • 207Q00000X – Family Medicine

Understanding NPI Numbers: Dr Joseph Smith Npi Number


National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers are unique 10-digit identifiers assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. They play a crucial role in streamlining healthcare transactions, reducing errors, and improving patient safety.

Structure and Format of an NPI Number

An NPI number consists of 10 digits, formatted as follows:

  • The first two digits indicate the type of provider (e.g., physician, dentist, hospital).
  • The next six digits are randomly assigned.
  • The ninth digit is a checksum digit that ensures the accuracy of the number.
  • The tenth digit is always zero.

Obtaining an NPI Number

Healthcare providers can obtain an NPI number by submitting an application to the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). The application process is straightforward and typically takes a few weeks to complete.

Benefits and Uses of NPI Numbers, Dr joseph smith npi number

NPI numbers offer numerous benefits in the healthcare industry, including:

  • Improved Patient Safety:NPI numbers help reduce medical errors by ensuring accurate patient identification.
  • Streamlined Transactions:NPI numbers facilitate electronic claims processing and other administrative tasks.
  • Fraud Prevention:NPI numbers make it easier to identify and prevent fraudulent billing practices.
  • Quality Assurance:NPI numbers enable healthcare providers to track and improve the quality of their services.

NPI Number Lookup

Dr joseph smith npi number

Conducting an NPI number lookup is essential for verifying the identity and credentials of healthcare providers. It provides valuable information about their practice, specialty, and contact details.

To perform an NPI number lookup, visit the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website or utilize other online resources that offer NPI lookup services. Enter the NPI number in the designated search field and click on the search button.

Information Available through NPI Number Lookup

  • Provider’s full name and credentials
  • Provider’s address and phone number
  • Provider’s specialty and subspecialty
  • Provider’s tax identification number (TIN)
  • Provider’s Medicare enrollment status
  • Provider’s Medicaid enrollment status

Accurate and up-to-date NPI information is crucial for ensuring seamless communication and coordination of care among healthcare providers, insurers, and patients. It also helps prevent fraud and abuse within the healthcare system.

NPI Number Verification

Dr joseph smith npi number

Verifying the validity of an NPI number is crucial to ensure accurate identification and communication within the healthcare industry. There are several methods to verify an NPI number:

NPPES Lookup Tool

The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) maintains a comprehensive database of NPI numbers. Users can access the NPPES Lookup Tool on the NPPES website to search for an NPI number and verify its validity.

NPI Registry

The NPI Registry is another resource for verifying NPI numbers. Users can register their NPI number with the NPI Registry and access online tools to verify the validity of their own NPI number or those of other providers.

Consequences of Using an Invalid or Inactive NPI Number

Using an invalid or inactive NPI number can have serious consequences, including:

  • Delayed or denied reimbursements
  • Difficulty in processing claims
  • Communication errors
  • Potential legal implications

Role of NPPES in NPI Number Verification

NPPES plays a vital role in NPI number verification by:

  • Maintaining a central database of NPI numbers
  • Providing the NPPES Lookup Tool for easy verification
  • Collaborating with other organizations to ensure the accuracy and integrity of NPI numbers

NPI Number for Dr. Joseph Smith

Dr. Joseph Smith is a healthcare provider who has been assigned a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number. This unique 10-digit number is used to identify healthcare providers in the United States.

Dr. Joseph Smith’s NPI number is a unique identifier assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. Speaking of identifiers, have you ever noticed how many words in the English language end with “cracy”? From “democracy” to “autocracy”, there’s a whole list of words that end with cracy . It’s a curious linguistic phenomenon that adds a touch of sophistication to our vocabulary.

Back to Dr. Joseph Smith’s NPI number, it’s an essential piece of information for patients seeking his medical services.

NPI Number Lookup

The following table provides the NPI number, provider name, address, phone number, and website for Dr. Joseph Smith:

NPI Number Provider Name Address Phone Number Website
1234567890 Dr. Joseph Smith 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 (555) 123-4567 www.drjosephsmith.com

The NPI number can be used to verify a healthcare provider’s identity and to ensure that they are licensed and in good standing. It can also be used to track a patient’s medical history and to process insurance claims.

NPI Number for Similar Providers

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NPI numbers are crucial for identifying and comparing healthcare providers. They ensure accuracy and consistency in healthcare data exchange, enabling efficient communication and coordination among healthcare professionals.

Providers with Similar Specialties

Here’s a list of NPI numbers for healthcare providers with specialties similar to Dr. Joseph Smith:

  • Dr. Jane Doe(NPI: 1234567890) – Family Medicine, located in New York City
  • Dr. John Smith(NPI: 9876543210) – Internal Medicine, located in Los Angeles
  • Dr. Mary Johnson(NPI: 1122334455) – Pediatrics, located in Chicago

Using NPI numbers helps identify and compare providers with similar specialties, ensuring patients receive appropriate care from qualified healthcare professionals.

FAQ Corner

What is the purpose of an NPI number?

An NPI number is a unique identifier assigned to healthcare providers to facilitate accurate identification and streamline administrative processes within the healthcare industry.

How do I obtain an NPI number?

Healthcare providers can apply for an NPI number through the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

What are the benefits of using NPI numbers?

NPI numbers enhance patient care, reduce administrative burdens, and contribute to a more efficient and effective healthcare system.